I’ll be the first to admit that I used to think (heck, I still do to this day) that I needed to be completely okay or my life wasn’t good enough. Perfectionism was rearing her ugly head.
- I needed to be fully healed from my unhealthy relationships with food.
- I needed to be completely free from negative thoughts about myself.
- I needed to not struggle with food, exercise, my emotions, or my relationships ever again.
Offda! That’s a lot of pressure, right?!
The truth of the matter is that I was trying to tell myself that it wasn’t okay to *not be okay*. Struggling wasn’t an option for me. Everything had to be fine, ALL THE TIME, or I wasn’t really living. Without even realizing it, I was living in a place of either black or white. There was no middle ground.
But, as nice as a notion that may be (who wouldn’t want to never struggle ever again & always feel okay?!), it’s not reality. Life is always throwing curve balls at you, which means that some days, weeks, or months, you will not feel perfectly okay. And that is COMPLETELY okay.
No one, not even the people you look up to most, are completely okay all the time. It’s unrealistic.
It’s like believing that when you finally lose 10 pounds you will finally be happy and able to start a new relationship. Life doesn’t work like that.
But I can tell you one thing: learning to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, being okay with not being okay, is one of the greatest lessons we can learn. Because amidst the struggle, amidst the learning and growing, life is still happening. It is still passing you by. And learning to be present, even if it means being uncomfortable with the present, is giving yourself life. It is being okay with not being okay. It is recognizing that there is more for you. That you are worth it all. Just by allowing yourself to inhabit the present moment.
How amazing is that?!
There are some days, that I still don’t feel okay. And that is perfectly fine with me. Because I am in tune with myself and recognize that the ebbs and flows are part of life. Instead of judging yourself and feeling bad about not feeling better, allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. Inhabit the present moment and be okay with being where you actually are.
Everyone struggles and no one is perfect. Not me. Not you.
No one is perfect. So stop expecting yourself to be.
I can assure you that the journey will be a much more love-filled and exciting ride when you embrace all parts, not just the highs. The lows are part of the package deal and learning to be okay with that can be one of the greatest lessons you can learn.
Like what you read? Dive even deeper with the Break Free from Perfection workbook + discover how to finally let go of what’s holding you back.
Loved this!!
Thank you Melanie! I’m so glad you enjoyed it xx