Why the size of your body doesn’t actually matter

Let me throw a radical notion at you.  The size of your body actually doesn’t matter.

AHHHHH, say what?  Now before you roll your eyes at your computer screen and click away in a tiff, hear me out.

Does your body size actually make or break you? 

I certainly used to think so.  If I was small, I felt good.  But if I was bigger, I felt unworthy, unlovable, and bad.  Why?  Because I thought that my body size was the be-all-end-all for my happiness and the only marker for my self-worth.

But guess what?  While I was too busy obsessing over the size of my thighs, I never noticed when I was actually happy.  When I was more alive, more myself, and more free.  Because ultimately, even if your body is small and toned or large and soft, it matters more how you feel.

Sure, there are times when body size may matter, like getting your health checked at the doctor.   But that’s not what we are talking about here.  We are talking about why your body size doesn’t matter in relation to your life, your happiness, and your worth (all the juicy things!).

Your life will not get better just by having a small body.  I know that from painful, first-hand experiences. 

Trust me on that.  By manipulating yourself and your body, you are not going to improve your life.  In the overarching view of your life, your body size doesn’t matter.

Happiness does not come by achieving a certain goal or size.  It comes by accepting yourself as you are now and loving yourself completely.  Happiness is not an end goal that is achieved at a body size or arbitrary number, it is a journey and process.  Where happiness is concerned, your body size doesn’t matter.

Your worth is innate and can never be taken away. 

When you are young and growing up, you are just as worthy as you are now as an adult.  There is no subtraction to that for any reason.  Ever. Therefore, your body size does not determine your worth.  In relation to self-worth, your body size doesn’t matter.

Start to understand what I am saying?  In the big picture of life, it doesn’t matter what you looked like.  It matters how you felt.  And I think it goes without saying (but I will say it anyway), that your body size really, truly is totally irrelevant.

To be truthful, part of the problem is the diet culture and mentality that is all around us.  We are constantly sold that life will be better or we will be greater when we go on a diet or drop a dress size.  But this isn’t realistic or sustainable thinking.  We cannot expect ourselves to feel loved or safe if we are constantly trying to change out of fear, shame, or deprivation.  It never has, and never will lead to any long-lasting change we desire.

The moral of the story?  It is all about how we feel.

If you know what makes you feel alive, aligned, gorgeous, and happy, by all means, go for it.  I would guess (with almost utmost certainty) that it has nothing to do with your body.  And nor should it, because you have important things to accomplish, lady!

On the flip side, how we feel can get twisted into the size of our bodies.  I totally understand that, as I used to feel that way.  So how can we break free of that and experience body freedom (and in turn freedom in our entire lives)?

By embracing complete + unconditional acceptance. Which is exactly why I’ve created a FREE 7-day program for you.

Introducing the totally free 7-day Body Acceptance Course, to help you:

  • Ditch diets for good
  • LOVE your body
  • Talk positively about your body
  • Learn to love and appreciate yourself (as you are NOW)
  • Break up with the scale
  • AND, the biggest thing I did to finally be free in my body

No more diets, deprivation, or lack of love here, lady!  It is time to kick start your confidence and freedom so you can start living the life you have always dreamed of.

You in?  Sign up by clicking the image below!